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Hand-arm vibration assessments (HAVs) are required if an employer’s risk assessment identifies that their employees are exposed to such vibrations through power tools or heavy machinery, where there is a reasonable risk to their health. PPE should be provided to employees who are required to use such tools, as well as an exposure time limit to ensure adequate breaks are implicated.

Our Tier 1 and 2 HAVs questionnaire asks employees about their health in relation to symptoms during and following tool exposure. Symptoms include pain and numbness, visual discolouration of the fingers, difficulty warming the hands, or any issues with fine motor skills, such as unscrewing jars.

Any issues that require Tier 3 assessments or above are then referred on for further investigation. We also provide thorough feedback to the employer of any referral so that the employee can continue to work safely without further risk to their health.

Does your organisation use heavy machinery or power tools? Do you carry out HAVs? Simply give us a call if we can help you in this area!

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