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Hand-arm vibration assessments (HAVs) are required if an employer’s risk assessment identifies that their employees are exposed to such vibrations through power tools or heavy machinery, where there is a reasonable risk to their health. PPE should be provided to…

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…and breathe – Spirometry testing

...and breathe - Spirometry Testing Breathing problems or lung damage can result from exposure to various substances hazardous to health in the workplace such as dust (pesticides), gases (chlorine), fumes (from the manufacturing of plastic), mists (from spray paints) and…

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Listen here…

For those individuals who are exposed to noise in the workplace (85dB or above), it is essential that regular Health Surveillance and Audiometry screening is carried out as part of Health and Safety legislation. This is to make sure that…

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If the face fits

With lockdown restrictions being lifted and more normal working practices resuming, it’s time to turn attention to some more specialised organisational practices. If Respiratory Protective Equipment, (RPE) is used as a control measure within your organisation under Health and Safety…

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The Impact of Diet on Long-COVID

The current global pandemic has bought an unprecedented focus on post-viral fatigue with many people seeking support for ‘long-COVID’. See today's news: COVID-19 has shone a light on the relatively poor state of the health of our nation. Those…

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Business benefits of a well fed workforce

What we eat, its impact on our health and, consequently, how it makes us feel has gained more focus and attention in recent years. We now have a better understanding of the potential long-term implications of excessive reliance on convenience…

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